Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes TrackMyRide's practices regarding the collection, use and disclosure of the information we collect from and about tou when you use TrackMyRide's web-based and mobile applications (the "Service"). We take our obligations regarding your privacy seriously and have made every effort to draft this Privacy Policy in a manner that is clear and easy to understand. By accessing or using the Service, you agree to this Privacy Policy, our Terms of Service, and our Applicable Use Policy.

Our Collection and Use of Information


When you register for an account we collect personal information, such as your name and e-mail address. Any information that you associate with your user account and well as provide when making purchases on the Service is refered to herein as your "Profile Information". Information such as your name, company name, shipping address, billing address, and credit card information may be collected during the online checkout process so that we can properly fulfill your orders.

Non-peronally identifiable information, such as your IP address, domain name, browser type and how you manuvered through the web site may be collected and used by to analyze web traffic and may be provded to third-party applications for web traffic analytics.

Since the purpose of the Service is to locate your device(s) or software app and display it on a moving map, information relavant to your location, such as latitude, longitude, heading, course, speed, and altitude will be collected and stored in our database. This information may be used by TrackMyRide for other purposes not mentioned in this privacy policy. Geolocation data is sent to Goggle with the intent to locate your device on a map. No user-identifiable data is sent to Google.


Your personal information will be used to send e-mails or newletters notifying you of special offers and product updates on our site. You may also receive e-mails from other vendors or sites that are associated with TrackMyRide with the specific intention of providing you with special offers or information regarding related goods or services. If you wish to stop receiving these updates at any time you may opt-out. By e-mailing us or clicking on the unsubscribe link contained in any marketing materials, your name will be permanently removed from our mailing list unless you request mailings again in the future.


Cookies are used on the site to help us identify your session while you are visting the site. They also help us maintain specific visit information about your session without forcing you to give us personal information beyond that required for an account. You may at any time disable the use of cookies through your browser. This is a function of your computer and browser software. If you choose to disable cookies please realize that certain functions of the web site may not work properly and we will not be able to personalize your experience with us nor can be guarantee a complete experience.

THIRD-PARTY SERVICES uses Goolge Maps and Google Geo-coding services to implement mapping views and functions. We also use Goolge Analytics to collect statistics on usage and Google Adsense to display advertisements. How Google uses data when you use By using the website you agree to be bound by Google's Terms of Service and understand and agree to their Privacy Policy

STORAGE TIME stores various types of data for different periods of time. Below is a list of some of the data we store

  • Web server access logs are generally stored for less than a month
  • Search terms and other service logs, such as audit information may be stored for up to six months
  • Position and location data may be stored up to six months depending upon the type of account you have. Free account data is usually cleaned off the server every 48 to 72 hours. Commercial account data may be retained for up to six months.


TrackMyRide attempts to provide a safe and secure experience through the latest in encryption software confirming to the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol to safeguard all of the information you provide to us.


Passwords are used on our site as an added security feature. Our goal is to ensure that the password you generate is secure. Once you have determined a password for your account, it will be encrpyted using the latest security protocol and then stored in our database in an encrypted format.


Our customer service staff is available to help you with any billing or technical issues or questions. Please send us an e-mail at if you have any questions or issues.


We are always happy to hear from users about our existing site or if you have any suggesstions on making the site better, we'd love to hear from you. Drop us a line at