Menu Bar


Clicking on items in the menu bar allows the user to navigate between the different pages or features of the application. By clicking the menu item, the system will redirect the user to the related page or feature.


Each menu is detailed in the section below.



 - Clicking this menu item returns the user to the site's home page

Live Map - Selecting this menu option navigates the user to the map page.

Projects - By clicking this menu item, the user will be redirected to the projects page and will be able to view information about recent and previous TMR projects.

Support - Allows the user to access technical support

About - Reveals sub menus related to information about TMR

Help - Opens a sub menu with several help articles and information about using the TMR site.


Depending upon the type of account the user is logged in as (Free or Commercial) the icons on the right-side of the menu bar may or may not be present. Each menu option is described below.




Locate Address


Alert Contacts

Profile and Logout