Alert Contacts


The alert contacts pop up allows the user to view and edit their alert contacts. An alert contact is someone that receives either an e-mail or SMS (text message) when a device exceeds a specific speed or starts moving. Users may configure alerts for each device independently. More information about creating alert conditions may be found in the help topic "Configuring Alerts" elsewhere in this user manual.


To configure alert contacts for your account, click the View/edit your alert contacts item in the menu bar as shown in the figure below.



The system will display the Alert Contacts pop up. This dialog box will a list of the currently configured alert contacts and their status.



Users may add either e-mail or phone contacts to be alerted when an alert message is triggered.


To add an e-mail contact the user must select the E-mail radio button enter the e-mail address in the e-mail text box. To add an SMS contact, the user must select the phone number radio button and then select the country code from the drop down list box and enter the phone number in the phone text box. To add the e-mail address or SMS number to the contact list the user must click the Add Contact button.


To activate the alert contact and enable it to receive alert messages, the check mark next to the alert contact must be selected.


Removing alert contacts may be accomplished by clicking the "Remove from contacts list" link next to the contact.


To update the alert settings the user must click the Save button. Clicking the Cancel button discards the changes and returns the user to the underlying page.