

Clicking the Settings icon displays the settings for the device selected.



The settings that my modified include the following:


Active - If on the device is active and may be tracked. If off, the system will not collect or store information related to the device. The device may not be tracked.

Speed limit alarm - If on, the device will send an alert message to the configured alert contacts if the device exceeds the speed set in the Alarm speed text box.

Alarm speed - If the Speed limit Alarm is on this is the speed that the device must exceed before an alert message is sent

Start moving alarm - If the device is at rest for at least five (5) minutes and starts to move again, an alert will be sent.

Device icon - Allows the user to select an icon to be used to represent the device on the moving map.


Once the user has made the desired changes to the device settings the Save button must be clicked to update the device settings. If the user wishes to discard the setting changes the Cancel button must be clicked.